The need for transitional housing

In providing safe, transitional housing we are filling a vital gap in the support available for survivors. Lack of housing can act both as a reason for entry into sexual exploitation and a barrier to exit, trapping many women in a cycle of poverty, homelessness and exploitation. This situation has deteriorated over the last few years- across the sector we are seeing women in sexually exploitative situations for the first time or unable to exit as housing poverty is leaving them with a ‘choice’ between survival sex and homelessness. Women who have been trafficked for sexual purposes may receive emergency accommodation, but there are very few specialist safe houses supporting women beyond short-term crisis support and current provision does not meet the high demand.  

Women leaving emergency accommodation may not be ready to manage tenancy arrangements or rent payments by themselves, so the risk of homelessness and/ or re-entering exploitative situations is high. Research has shown that a supported semi-independent transitional housing model after emergency accommodation or support results in much better outcomes for women and longer-term recovery.